Workplace Fire Risk Assessments

Regularly conducting and reviewing a workplace fire risk assessment is crucial to identify necessary measures for fire prevention and ensuring the safety of individuals.

Under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, a fire risk assessment is a legal obligation. The responsible person must conduct a suitable and sufficient assessment, regularly review it, and keep it up to date – particularly following significant changes to the premises.

Carrying out a fire risk assessment

To perform a fire risk assessment, there are five key steps:

  1. Identify fire hazards.
  2. Identify people at risk.
  3. Evaluate, remove, or reduce the risks.
  4. Record findings, prepare an emergency plan, and provide training.
  5. Regularly review and update the fire risk assessment.


Consider various aspects when assessing your premises, such as:

  • Emergency routes and exits: Ensure they are clear and within guidelines for travel distance.
  • Fire detection and warning systems: Confirm the coverage of the fire alarm system.
  • Maintenance and inspections: Verify servicing and inspections for extinguishers, emergency lighting, and fire alarms.
  • Firefighting equipment: Assess the sufficiency and appropriateness of extinguishers.
  • Removal or safe storage of COSHH products: Address storage needs and check for leaks in fuel containers.
  • Employee needs: Establish personal emergency evacuation plans for employees with specific requirements.
  • Staff fire safety training: Ensure an adequate number of fire marshals covering all areas of the business.
  • Providing information to employees: Confirm that employees are aware of fire procedures and exit locations.

These considerations serve as controls for the fire risk in your premises, emphasizing the importance of appropriate fire detection systems tailored to your specific needs.

For businesses with complex operations or premises, seeking help with a fire risk assessment is advisable. If you lack expertise, time, have a large business, or operate in a listed building, then you can hire a competent person to handle the assessment.